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Digital Onboarding

Smart way to say Hello!


Dibscores Digital Onboarding system with AI@core minimizes paperwork related to legacy banking in the post-pandemic environment when contactless is the preferred option. lowers the possibility of fraud while enabling smooth customer acquisition and streamlining the customer process. Prospective clients utilize their mobile device to create an account, upload necessary paperwork, confirm their identification, and choose the products they want. It's time to bring on more cloud-based clients and fewer branch-based ones!


Why Dibscore Digital Onboarding Solution

Account opening can be initiated by the customer, agent or merchant

Document Validation and OCR automatically extracts data from the provided ID and auto populates in the relevant fields in the backend IT system.

Configured to pass / reject odd cases

Reduces upto 90% of physical KYC costs and helps onboard customers from remote locations

The Facial Match is performed on the customer-provided ID document against the liveness selfie/video

In-built Liveness detection feature integrates facenets and computer vision for detection

Customer-Centric Banking

Retail Customer

Retail Customer

Providing retail customers with a self-personalized solution that offers a consistent experience.

SME Customer

SME Customer

Providing SME customer solution that supports the entire transactions to payments offering the best-in-class user experience.